Daredevil skydiver jumps on another skydiver mid-air for stunt. Watch

ByTrisha Sengupta
Aug 08, 2023 01:16 PM IST

The video opens to show a person in a wingsuit who acted as the platform for another skydiver to jump on. The video was posted on Reddit.

A video of a woman’s hair-raising mid-air stunt has left people both frightened and fascinated . Posted on Reddit, the video captures how she lets go of one skydiver to jump onto the back of another one.

The image shows a woman preparing to jump on the back of another skydiver mid-air. (Facebook/@Insta360)
The image shows a woman preparing to jump on the back of another skydiver mid-air. (Facebook/@Insta360)

The video was originally posted on camera company Insta360’s Facebook page. Later, it made its way onto Reddit and created a chatter among people. “Jumping on another skydiver,” reads the caption posted along with the Reddit video.

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In the video a skydiver in a wingsuit is seen sailing through the sky. Within moments, another person sweeps in from behind while holding a woman. As the video progresses, the woman is seen jumping on the first skydiver's back. The video ends with the duo continuing their aerial adventure.

Take a look at the woman’s daredevil stunt:

The video was shared some 15 hours ago. Since being posted, it has accumulated close to 4,600 upvotes. Additionally, the share has gathered tons of comments from people.

Also Read: Man crosses slackline 185 m off the ground in hair-raising video

Here’s how Reddit users reacted to this video of a skydiving stunt:

“Props to her for hanging on that long,” praised a Reddit user. “I've never gone skydiving. Please tell me this girl has her own parachute,” asked another. “That parachute dude did a 360,” commented a third. “Love how the parachuter just goes off immediately after the drop,” wrote a fourth.

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