Decoding WWE’s move to plot Jimmy Uso against Jey at SummerSlam after shock intervention in Roman Reigns clash

Aug 08, 2023 04:46 PM IST

Roman Reigns defended the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam

Did Jimmy Uso pull off the most shocking intervention in WWE history by appearing at SummerSlam? Many would say yes, considering the high stakes and the incredible level of hype surrounding the title-deciding fight between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso. Instead of opting for a new champion, WWE decided to script, maybe, the very first chapter of a brotherhood feud which has the potential to dominate the wrestling promotion in future. Reigns successfully defending the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at the SummerSlam, never seemed surprising but by plotting Jimmy against his twin brother, WWE seem to have set up a brand new storyline. In this article we will take a look at the potential plot for an enduring rivalry that probably began at SummerSlam.

After losing the title-decider, Jey now has a great chance to focus on his brother.
After losing the title-decider, Jey now has a great chance to focus on his brother.

Before we start talking about the new Bloodline twist, it is important to relive what Roman Reigns’ manager Paul Heyman had to say about it. “We continue to layer and peel back layers and reveal more things about each persona, where just when you think you have the persona completely figured out, there’s something new to learn about that person and their dynamic within the other people in the group. Sometimes, it involves people outside of the group, like Sami Zayn. So what will I do when The Bloodline disbands? I don’t know. I’ll probably be celebrating my 120th birthday by then,” the 57-year-old said at the SummerSlam press conference.

ALSO READ: When will Roman Reigns lose WWE Undisputed Universal Championship?

Jimmy vs Jey at next month's Payback?

Those who follow WWE closely would remember that Jimmy Uso’s SummerSlam intervention has been coming since Paul Heyman started blaming Jey for his twin brother’s injury. Jimmy’s frustration with his own fitness explains why he would have wanted to appear at SummerSlam to play a vital role. After losing the title-decider, Jey now has a great chance to focus on his brother. WWE can certainly cash in on the terrific chemistry of the two real-life brothers to sell their rivalry. A fight between Jimmy and Jey is in the offing at next month’s Payback. A triple threat bout, involving The Usos, along with Solo Sikoa, may also be a sensible option.

The Bloodline story is undoubtedly one of the finest ones that has ever been told in WWE history. By removing Jey Uso from the Undisputed Universal Championship title race, the wrestling promotion has done an intelligent job to keep the story alive. It also allows Roman Reigns to take some time off ahead of his next title defence. Reigns is not dubbed as a potential competitor at the Payback. Following the break, The Tribal Chief can return to the ring with a renewed vigour to defend his title once again.


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