How many circles? Test your eyes with this optical illusion

Aug 08, 2023 02:43 PM IST

An optical illusion shared on Reddit has left people scratching their heads and wondering why it works that way.

An optical illusion shared on social media has left people bewildered and searching for an explanation. The image showcases circles, but it’s difficult to determine how many there are. Are you up for the challenge?

Optical Illusion: Can you count the number of circles?(Reddit/@jsalsman)
Optical Illusion: Can you count the number of circles?(Reddit/@jsalsman)

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The optical illusion was shared on Reddit by a user, ‘jsalsman’. The caption alongside the image reads, “Remember when optical illusions just made you go ‘huh’ instead of questioning your sanity?”

Take a look at this mind-boggling optical illusion below and find out the number of circles:

How many circles were you able to count? Three? Four? Well, the text on the optical illusion claims that there are only ‘two perfectly round circles’.

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The optical illusion was shared a while ago on Reddit. It has since accumulated over 23,000 upvotes and numerous comments.

Check out how Redditors reacted to this optical illusion:

“What a crazy pattern. Imagine this as wallpaper in a small room,” posted a Reddit user. Another added, “My eyes hurt.”

“I’m not convinced that there are only two of them there,” expressed a third. A fourth shared, “I just had a seizure looking at this.” “Ouch, my brain,” wrote a fifth.

A sixth joined, “That just plays and plays with the senses,” while a seventh remarked, “My brain know it’s two circles but my eyes are deceiving me.”

What are your thoughts on this brain-scrambling optical illusion?

Also Read| Optical Illusion: Are these men walking up the stairs or down?


    Arfa Javaid is a journalist working with the Hindustan Times' Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.

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