Ixigo CEO lauds Decathlon employee who is a professional ultra-cyclist

ByTrisha Sengupta
Aug 08, 2023 07:48 PM IST

Aloke Bajpai, Ixigo CEO, heaps praise on a Decathlon employee named Shankar and his passion for cycling.

Ixigo CEO Aloke Bajpai recently took to Twitter to share words of praise for an employee he met at a Decathlon store. Bajpai shared about a man named Shankar who is a professional ultra-cyclist and has cycled not just around India but Europe too.

This image of a Decathlon employee named Shankar was shared by Ixigo CEO Aloke Bajpai. (Twitter/@alokebajpai)
This image of a Decathlon employee named Shankar was shared by Ixigo CEO Aloke Bajpai. (Twitter/@alokebajpai)

“Companies that treat their employees well always have high customer delight too, and each employee becomes a brand ambassador. Shankar from @Decathlon in Gurugram today was a great example of that. Amazing customer service with a smile at all times. Found out he is a professional ultra cyclist who has cycled all over India and Europe and is currently learning French. Kudos to Barbara Martin Coppola and Jean Francois Mace for hiring such customer obsessed folks with a passion for sports!” Bajpai posted. He concluded the post with a picture of a smiling Shankar.

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Take a look at this tweet from Ixigo CEO about a Decathlon employee:

Since being shared on August 6, the post has accumulated close to 2.8 lakh views and counting. Additionally, the share has gathered more than 1,500 likes. People posted varied comments while reacting to the video.

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How did Twitter users react to Ixigo CEO’s post about a Decathlon employee?

“I am always amazed by the Decathlon staff whenever I visit. They have good communication skills and are able to guide you properly. One of the reasons I prefer shopping there. I wonder what their sales numbers are, but I am sure they are enjoying tremendous growth in India,” shared a Twitter user. “Shankar is amazing,” added another. “Agreed! I had a similar experience recently when a salesperson saw me struggling and walked to me and assisted me. Was also well informed about the product. The level of involvement left me awestruck!” joined a third. “I purchased marathon shoes for the Decathlon. The salesman was a professional runner and coach,” wrote a fifth.

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