Beard it the right way!

ByShweta Sunny
Aug 09, 2023 12:27 PM IST

Taking care of your beard during the wet season is important to prevent dandruff and moisture. Use a mild shampoo, moisturize with beard oil, and follow a proper grooming routine. Incorporate nutrients like protein, biotin, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc into your diet for beard growth. Wash your beard with warm water and a mild shampoo, and use beard oil or balm to keep it moisturized. Essential tools for beard care include a trimmer, scissors, brush or comb, shampoo, and beard oil or balm. Beard wax can be beneficial for styling but should be used in moderation.

Men and beard care go hand in hand and there is no denying that. Long or short, taking care of your beard is vital as it can also be a breeding ground for dandruff and moisture during this wet season. Dr Sravya C Tipirneni, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetologist and Trichologist, Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore, says, “Beard dandruff or beardruff is caused by a build-up of dead skin cells on the skin underneath your beard. To treat beard dandruff, you can use a mild beard dandruff shampoo or cleanser to keep it clean from dirt, oil and dead skin cells that contribute to dandruff. You can also try exfoliating your skin with a beard brush or comb to remove flaky skin.”

Apply beard oil to keep your beard hydrated and conditioned (Photo: Shutterstock (For representational purpose only))
Apply beard oil to keep your beard hydrated and conditioned (Photo: Shutterstock (For representational purpose only))

It can also be fixed by regularly moisturising and keeping the skin hydrated by applying beard oil or beard balm to both your beard hair and the skin underneath that helps prevent dryness and flakiness. Dr Akanksha Singh Cornuit, Cosmetic Dermatologist and Founder of PROMED AESTHETICS, suggests, “Avoid washing your beard with hot water as it can strip the skin and hair of natural oils, leading to dryness. Use lukewarm water instead. It is also important to avoid using harsh shampoos or hair care products that contain sulfates or other drying ingredients.”

Read on to know how to properly take care of your beard this season with expert inputs.

Get your diet right

Foods rich in protein like eggs, beans, lean meats, fish, and legumes support hair growth, including beard hair (Photo: Shutterstock)
Foods rich in protein like eggs, beans, lean meats, fish, and legumes support hair growth, including beard hair (Photo: Shutterstock)

To promote beard growth, consider incorporating the following nutrients into your diet:

Protein: Foods rich in protein like eggs, beans, lean meats, fish, and legumes support hair growth, including beard hair.

Biotin: Found in nuts, eggs, and whole grains, biotin is known for promoting hair growth and can contribute to a healthier beard.

Vitamins A and C: These vitamins are essential for overall hair health. Include foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, and leafy greens in your diet.

Vitamin E: Nuts, seeds, and leafy greens are good sources of vitamin E, which helps improve blood circulation to the hair follicles.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Foods like salmon, chia seeds, and flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids that nourish hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Zinc: Foods like oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and lentils contain zinc, which supports the growth of healthy hair, including facial hair.

Iron: Iron-rich foods such as spinach, lentils, and red meat can help prevent hair loss and maintain beard health.

Water: Staying hydrated is crucial for healthy hair growth, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

All about the maintenance

Apply beard oil for natural hair growth (Photo: Shutterstock (For representational purpose only))
Apply beard oil for natural hair growth (Photo: Shutterstock (For representational purpose only))

To maintain a well-groomed beard, consider the following steps:

Washing: Ensure to wash your beard 2-3 times per week with a mild beard shampoo to keep it clean and free from dirt and oil.

Trimming: Trim your beard regularly to maintain its shape, keep it neat and tidy and prevent split ends.

Brushing: Brushing helps distribute natural oils and keeps the beard neat and helps untangle as well.

Shaping: Use a razor or electric trimmer to define the edges and create a clean neckline.

Avoid over-washing: Washing too frequently can strip the natural oils, leading to a dry and brittle beard.

Regular maintenance: Apply beard oil or balm to keep your beard hydrated and conditioned. Stay consistent with your grooming routine to keep your beard looking its best.

Wash it the right way!

Use warm water to wet your beard thoroughly. It helps open up the hair follicles and makes it easier for the shampoo to clean the hair.

Apply beard shampoo: Use a mild, sulfate-free beard shampoo to cleanse your beard. Make sure to cover all areas of your beard and the skin underneath.

Massage the shampoo into your beard thoroughly, creating a rich lather. This helps to remove dirt, excess oil and any product build-up.

Rinse your beard with warm water until all the shampoo is completely washed out. Ensure there’s no shampoo left in your beard, as residual shampoo can cause dryness and irritation.

Gently pat your beard with a clean towel to remove excess water. Avoid rubbing the towel vigorously, as this can cause frizz and damage to the beard hair.

Apply a small amount of beard oil or balm to moisturise and condition your beard. This step helps to keep your beard soft, healthy and more manageable.

Beard care essentials

Stay consistent with your grooming routine to keep your beard looking its best. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Stay consistent with your grooming routine to keep your beard looking its best. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The right beard care tools depends on the length and style of your beard. Here are some essential tools you should consider:

Beard trimmer: A quality beard trimmer with adjustable settings allows you to trim your beard to the desired length and shape.

Beard scissors: Precise beard scissors are useful for trimming stray hairs and maintaining clean lines.

Beard brush or comb: A beard brush or comb helps untangle and style your beard, distributing natural oils and preventing tangles.

Beard shampoo: Using a mild beard shampoo helps keep your beard clean, removing dirt and excess oils without drying out the hair.

Beard oil or beard balm: These products moisturise both your beard and the skin underneath, reducing itchiness and promoting a healthy appearance.

What’s the deal with beard wax?

Whether beard wax is good or bad for you depends on your preferences, beard type, and how you use it. Moderation and choosing the right product for your needs are essential for a positive beard grooming experience. However, it is important to use a beard wax that is designed for beards, as other types of wax can be too harsh and dry out your beard.

Pros of beard wax:

Hold and style: Beard wax provides a strong hold, helping you shape and style your beard as desired, keeping stray hairs in place.

Controls frizz: It can help control frizz and flyaway hairs, giving your beard a neater appearance.

Locks moisture: Some beard waxes contain moisturising ingredients that can help lock in moisture and keep your beard hydrated.

Cons of beard wax:

Build-up: Excessive use of beard wax can lead to product build-up, making your beard feel heavy, greasy, and difficult to wash out.

Clogged pores: In some cases, beard wax may clog hair follicles and pores, leading to skin irritation and breakouts.

Dependency: Relying too much on beard wax for styling may hinder your beard’s natural growth and movement.

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