‘We have arrived at the End Times’: Britain First leader Paul Golding mocks mom whose son identifies as a cat

Aug 09, 2023 11:10 AM IST

Far-right leader Paul Golding expressed disdain for human-animal identity after a viral video of a boy identifying as a cat.

Paul Golding, the leader of the far-right Britain First party in the UK took to Twitter to express his disdain for his human-animal identity after watching a viral video of another expressing her son’s struggle who identifies himself as a cat.

Mom’s viral video of son who thinks he’s a cat triggers backlash (Twitter/ GreenBagOG )
Mom’s viral video of son who thinks he’s a cat triggers backlash (Twitter/ GreenBagOG )

He wrote, “‘My son identifies as a cat’. We have arrived at the End Times. Society has collapsed.”

The video shows, the mom pouring out her frustration that her son identifies himself as a cat, but the vets denied to treat him cause they are not well-versed in human anatomy. We couldn't independently verify the video of the woman whose son identified as a “cat”, reminiscent of the internet' s Poe Law.

Poe's law is an adage of the internet culture saying that without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

In 2005, it was stated by Nathan Poe when he argued: “Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article.”

Golding is known for his anti-immigration and anti-Islam views, and has been banned from most mainstream social media platforms for spreading hate speech. He was also convicted of religiously aggravated harassment in 2018.

Reacting to the video, Golding’s tweet implied that the gender identity as an animal was an example of the moral decay and cultural decline of modern society.

However, Golding’s tweet sparked several hilarious comments, as many users responded with sarcasm and ridicule.

Some pointed out Golding’s own history of extremism and criminality.

In recent times the viral Japanese man who spent over 12 lakh to transform himself into a dog has also sparked a debate on social media about the phenomenon of human-animal identity.

The man goes by Toco online, and has been living as a rough collie for months, wearing a realistic costume and behaving like a real pooch. He has shared his four-legged life on YouTube, where he has nearly 33,000 subscribers.

The human pooch said he had a vague dream of becoming an animal since he was a child, and he finally fulfilled it by commissioning a model and sculpture company to create his custom-made collie costume.

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The costume took 40 days to make and cost him 2 million yen.

Toco said he enjoys doing things that only dogs do, such as rolling over, playing frisbee, eating fake dog food, and wagging his tail.

Toco’s unusual lifestyle has attracted both curiosity and criticism from netizens.

Toco has continued to post videos of his dog's life on YouTube, where he has received mostly positive feedback from his fans. He has also said that he hopes to inspire others who have similar dreams of becoming animals.

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