WhatsApp gets screen-sharing for video calls

By, New Delhi
Aug 08, 2023 11:32 PM IST

Also, users can now make WhatsApp video calls in Landscape mode for a ‘wider and more immersive viewing,’ noted Meta Platforms, its parent company.

In its latest feature for WhatsApp, Meta Platforms on Tuesday announced that users of the instant messaging service can now share their screens during video calls on the platform.

Now, share your screen during a WhatsApp video call (Image courtesy: facebook.com/zuck)
Now, share your screen during a WhatsApp video call (Image courtesy: facebook.com/zuck)

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg took to Facebook to introduce the screen-sharing feature for WhatsApp.

Also Read: Zuckerberg unveils WhatsApp 60-second video message feature. How it works? Watch

“We're adding the ability to share your screen during a video call on WhatsApp,” Zuckerberg wrote in his post.

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook post announcing screen-sharing for WhatsApp.
Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook post announcing screen-sharing for WhatsApp.

Separately, in a press release, Meta explained how people can share their screens while on a WhatsApp video call.

“You can initiate screen-sharing by clicking on the ‘Share’ icon and choosing between sharing a specific application or sharing the entire screen,” the tech giant stated.

WhatsApp's screen-sharing feature for video calls.
WhatsApp's screen-sharing feature for video calls.

The company further said: “Whether sharing documents for work, browsing photos with family, planning a vacation, shopping online with friends, or just helping parents with tech support – sharing the screen lets you share a live view of your screen during the call.”

Also Read: Now take WhatsApp calls directly from smartwatch. Meta's new app details here

According to Tech Crunch, the screen-sharing feature has started to roll out on Android, iOS, and Desktop in a ‘phased’ manner. Therefore, users may not see the facility immediately, but they will soon.

In the same press statement, meanwhile, Meta also announced a Landscape mode for WhatsApp video conversations.

“You can now also enjoy video calls in Landscape mode for a wider and more immersive viewing and sharing experience on your phone,” it said.


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