Woman balances a bottle on her head while riding bicycle

ByTrisha Sengupta
Aug 08, 2023 07:06 PM IST

The woman while riding a bicycle looks sideways at onlookers on the street without dropping the bottle placed on her head.

A video of a woman's balancing act while riding a bicycle has stunned people on Reddit. The jaw dropping video is creating waves on the platform with many praising the woman or comparing how they fail at even the simplest balancing tasks.

The image shows a bottle placed on the head of a woman riding a bike. (Facebook/@Marielle Amaba)
The image shows a bottle placed on the head of a woman riding a bike. (Facebook/@Marielle Amaba)

The video shows Marielle Amaba from the Philippines who originally posted it back in 2021 on her Facebook page. Recently, the video made its way onto Reddit and has left people amazed. The clip captures a mask-wearing Amaba riding her bike while swaying from one side to another. And she does all these while balancing a bottle on her head. At one point she also looks sideways, without dropping the bottle.

Also Read: Man balances 10 mugs on his head while climbing stairs. ‘How’, ask people

Take a look at this video of a woman balancing a bottle while writing a bicycle:

Since being re-posted some 16 hours ago on Reddit, the video has accumulated close to 230 upvotes. Additionally, it has gathered tons of comments from people. A few also took the route of hilarity while reacting to the video.

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What did Reddit users say about this video of a woman balancing a bottle on her head while riding a bicycle?

“She forgot that she left it there before taking off!!” joked a Reddit user. “Wow and here I am dropping my phone twice while writing this comment,” joined another. “I recently locked my car keys inside my car together with my bag that had my wallet and house keys,” added a third. “But…why?” wondered a fourth. Another Reddit user replied to the comment and wrote, “But… why not?”

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