Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal’s special delivery for customers, executives on Friendship Day

Aug 06, 2023 03:23 PM IST

Deepinder Goyal shared pictures of himself on a Royal Enfield bike holding a bunch of friendship bands which had ‘best food friends forever’ written on it.

Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal on Sunday marked Friendship Day with a special delivery. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Goyal announced that he will be delivering meals and friendship bracelets to delivery executives, customers and restaurant partners.

Deepinder Goyal enroute his special delivery of food and friendship bands. (X)
Deepinder Goyal enroute his special delivery of food and friendship bands. (X)

The founder of the food-tech giant wrote, “Going to deliver some food and friendship bands to our delivery partners, restaurant partners and customers. Best Sunday ever!!”

Read: Zomato hires first-ever Chief Fitness Officer, to focus on employees' wellbeing

He also shared pictures of himself on a Royal Enfield motorcycle holding a bunch of friendship bands which had ‘best food friends forever’ engraved on it.

Amused users reacted with praise and excitement about the CEO’s gesture. One person wrote, "Zomato orders over Swiggy today where people are hoping to meet the CEO.”

Another expressed a wish to receive Goyal as delivery partner asked whether he will be delivering in Chandigarh. A person thanked Zomato for being a ‘food friend’ in the absence of his domestic help.

This is not the first time Goyal has donned the role of a Zomato delivery person. On New Year’s Eve, Goyal decided to deliver a few orders received on the app and tweeted that his first drop was at the Zomato office itself. Overall, he said he delivered as many as four orders. Interestingly, his X bio reads, “Delivery boy at Zomato.”

Last week, Zomato posted a profit for the first time since its inception in 2008. On August 3, the company posted a net profit of 2 crore in the first quarter of the current financial year. Responding to a user’s quip on X that Goyal could have borrowed the 2 crore from him instead of going from house to house delivering orders, the CEO said, “Tweet of the day."

Recently, the food delivery platform rolled out on a trial basis a fee of 2 per order irrespective of the cart value. The app said it is a “small fee that helps us pay the bills so that we can keep Zomato running”.


    Multimedia journalist with Hindustan Times. Covers India, world, business and tech news with a keen eye for human-interest stories rooted in gender and culture.

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